Your child is complaining about a staff member at school.
There are many staff members at Westgate with lots of different personalities, and your child is not going to like all of them! What one child might find structured and comforting, another might find restrictive and harsh. What one child finds flexible and exciting, another might find disorganized and stressful. Parents can help their child understand that they will meet lots of people in life who they won't like very much, but that they must show respect to everyone.
However, if you become uncomfortable with your child's reports about a staff member, approaching them in person or on the telephone (email can be easily misconstrued) in a collaborative, non-threatening manner can help open the communication channels. Most of the time, there has been a misunderstanding that the staff member can quickly resolve with your child. If you still feel that the issue has not been resolved after speaking with the staff member, contact the administration to help mediate the problem.
However, if you become uncomfortable with your child's reports about a staff member, approaching them in person or on the telephone (email can be easily misconstrued) in a collaborative, non-threatening manner can help open the communication channels. Most of the time, there has been a misunderstanding that the staff member can quickly resolve with your child. If you still feel that the issue has not been resolved after speaking with the staff member, contact the administration to help mediate the problem.